
Tuesday, 7 July 2015

How to survive a family holiday...

Going away on a holiday avec the family, sounds great right? Sure. Until arguments start and chaos descends. However, worry not! Here are my top 5 tips for how to survive a family holiday, I assume they work as I'm still here and I haven't murdered anyone...yet.

1) Try and be a peacekeeper
I love a good debate as much as the next guy but when it is escalating into a full blown argument or the other person is taking it too seriously, it might be time to just leave it. Yes it can be frustrating - particularly when you are right - but it's just easier.
Image result for peaceful people
2) Avoid drama
If you are not in the argument and it seems to be getting pretty heated...EVACUATE THE PREMISSES IMMEDIATELY!   You will get either sucked in to the argument or asked to pick a side. Simply go to a different room with a different family member and hide there until the storm passes
Image result for debate
3) It is okay to take time for you
Yes you are there for a family holiday but that does not mean that you need to be with them 24/7. It is absolutely fine for you to have some down time by yourself be it to walk, draw, write or whatever you want to do. You should not feel bad about relaxing and wanting to do a fun activity alone - your family will not hate you.
Image result for quiet time alone
4) Be willing to try new things
While away with family or extended family it is most likely that you will be subjected to things that you might not necessarily want to do. For some people this might be going on a walk, going to a museum etc. However, please try and find some aspect of it that you enjoy. This not only makes it more enjoyable for you but your family doesn't have to listen to complaining the entire time.
Image result for trying new things
5) Bond
During the rest of the year you might be so busy that you may actually be left feeling slightly cut off or disconnected from your family, a holiday is a chance to fix this. You actually have time to talk and do activities together and this will definitely bring you closer together. I really love this because after a holiday I really feel connected to my family.
Image result for family bonding
These are my top 5 tips for survival: good luck!

Monday, 6 July 2015

10 Summer Trends You Need...

so as we are now at the beginning of summer (eep!) most of us just want to be out socialising and enjoying the sunshine. Unless you're in Scotland, in which case, how's that rain going? So here are 10 hot summer trends that will help you spice up your look no matter what style you are going for:

1) Summer Dresses
Despite my love for a simple jeans and a top combo sometimes it's nice to feel super girly and pretty in a dress. This not only is hella cute but also keeps you cool in hot weather - double win!

Blue open back Jumpsuitvia Romwe
2) Short(er) hair
Now I know not everyone suits a short hairstyle however getting a little trim helps keep you cooler and less sweaty. Also, it can look amazing and you may be surprised at the outcome.

3) Colourful skater skirt
These are very popular so chances are you may already have one. However, it's time to ditch the dark colours and go for a bright or patterned skirt that is bound to catch an admiring eye from those who see you!

So pretty
-follow me
4) Feet chains
Personally I love feet (weird I know) but I love painting my toenails and making them look pretty etc. Feet chains add a certain attitude to your look and are certainly unique whilst being tres trendy

5) A nice set of lingerie
Now this isn't necessarily just a summer thing, this is nice to have all year round to be honest. However a fancy set of lingerie can make a girl feel so beautiful and lovely so, for that reason alone, lingerie is very important

|| Girly Blog ||
6) A cool pair of sandals
Personally I absolutely hate the original flat sandals that you first think off. However there are so many sandal adaptations that you are bound to find a pair that are extremely cute and suit your style. These are more my style:

7) A flannel
Flannels are super versatile and soooooo comfy. Need I say more?
8) A see through over top
This is clearly not meant to be worn on its own however this look allows a supercute layer whilst being able to see whatever outfit is being worn underneath. Much much nicer than having to wear a thick jumper that simply covers everything up.

☼fashion blogger☼
9) Long floaty skirt
Too be honest, I don't see enough of these. They are so stylish as well as being comfortable, modern and covers more leg if you're more comfortable with that. I would absolutely love to see more of these as well as getting one myself!
10) White temporary tattoos
These are the epitome of hot plus they make you look more tan! Bonus! I adore these so much but they look even cooler if you're hitting up some summer music festival...just saying

Style on We Heart It -
These are my top 10 summer trends, I would love to hear your opinions and what summer styles you;re loving this year.
Lots of love 🌞

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Why Vegetarian?

Hey guys!
So, as some of you may or may not know, I am a vegetarian. Not a weird thing, right? A lot of people are. Well you would think however I get asked a surprising amount about why I chose to go vegetarian so I thought I would write a wee bit about it and explain why I personally chose to go veggie. Here we gooo:

1)  The animals: when I was younger I really did not care about the meat that I was the age of three I marched into a restaurant, announced "I SMELL BEEF" and then proceeded to eat an entire adults meal. I think that pretty much summed me up. Then as I got older I began to do more research into vegetarianism - not because I wanted to be one but I was just curious. I explored how animals were treated and I was absolutely horrified. I don't really want to go into too much detail about it but I have to honestly say that what I saw was worse than any horror movie I have ever seen. could you eat that little guy?! ^

2) Religious reasons: I am a Buddhist. Now whilst it does not say directly anywhere in Buddhism not to eat animals and many Buddhists are not vegetarians, I felt bad because the first precept is 'Do not harm or kill another living being'. It can be argued that you are not really harming the animals directly but I felt guilty and that actually took a lot of pleasure out of eating meat to the point where all I was seeing when I was eating it was the animal it once was.

3) My final reason was health and environment: my family ate a lot of meat, we were consuming it two or three times a day which is actually more than we need protein wise. The body does not need the amount of protein we were giving it and that results in the fats being stored. Since going veggie I have noticed a definite loss in weight. The environmental factor is that the meat industry is actually one of (if not the) leading cause of global warming and by not consuming meat you are cutting back the amount of resources used and pollution released.

I would like to clarify that this was not to pressure anyone into being a vegetarian or anything like that but simply to clarify the reasons why I went veggie. At some point in the future I would like to go vegan and see how that goes.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed :) xx

Saturday, 4 July 2015


Hello guys,
recently I have been thinking about what people do with their time and what they invest their energy into. I have also noticed that people these days lack excitement and  are far more focused on the things that they posses. I personally believe this is a waste of time and effort and here's why.

1. Things such as possessions do have an expiry date - no matter how cool they are.
What I mean by this is that no matter if you have the newest version of the iPhone, there will always be a product that is better than what we have, so we are never satisfied - we always want more (trying to say that without sounding preachy) and it also limits your time to show it off.

Image result for possessions quote
2. Personally I believe that people are spending too much time on their phones. This both true yet also highly hypocritical as it's coming from someone who does spend probably too much time on the internet. I am fine with the internet. I love the internet. If we go on holiday, wherever we are going better have WiFi, However, when wifi spots are getting set up in every coffee shop and at random points in's a bit much. I do actually enjoy face to face interaction. Y'know...actually talking.

3. I want people to take spontaneous adventures.You don't need a phone with you. If you want pictures take a polaroid (I freaking love polaroid cameras) or a disposable camera. I think this is so important because an amazing story will always beat a new possession. Every. Single. Time. It the opportunity to better yourself, do something spontaneous and have an adventure with people you love - that's what I think is important...memories.

These are the reasons I think we might be better cutting down on the technology just a little so that we still have those stories, we still create worthwhile and lasting memories instead of being on our phones 24/7.
Thanks for reading xx

Holiday Times

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Hey guys!
So I am currently away on my holidays. Don't worry - I'm still in the Uk so it is still as rainy and cold as ever. However as it is with family and it is escaping all responsibility it is rather pleasant. I know that a lot of people see a holiday as a chance to relax, do nothing and neglect the chores that we would normally face doing. Not me. I love the relaxing etc. as much as the next person but I also like to try and use my holiday to better myself. Lame? I know. A lot of people might find these strange but these are the things I really love doing on my holidays:
Image result for holidays

The first thing that I really love to do whilst being away is exercising more. I do quite a lot anyway but when you're away you get a whole new environment and a whole new feel - usually a better one. Something I particularly love is running across the beach. It is a good workout as well as being such a pleasant place and really helps to clear your head. Yoga on the beach is really good too. Anything on the beach is pretty good though to be honest.
Image result for beach yoga

Pretty nice right? My next thing is self discovery. Sounds a little pretentious I know. But while I am away I really like to think about things I would like to achieve and how to do them and you may even realize you want to do things you hadn't thought about before. It was while I was away on holiday that I realized I want to travel the world and move to London. These are big decisions but the research I did on both whilst away made a big difference. I truly believe that a different environment brings out different, often better, sides of your personality.
Image result for dreams and goals

Another aspect I really (sometimes) enjoy is spending time avec la famille. It is nice to have some bonding time and almost reconnect with your family. Although I appreciate that sometimes on your holiday you may want to kick them...rather hard, they are great to be around and a stronger connection is very important.

And finally, and possibly most importantly, sleep. I know this isn't true but I kind of have the belief that if I sleep for a very long time over the holidays it makes up for the lack of sleep we get during exam season etc and kind of balances out the scale.

Image result for sleep quotes
Well that's all from me just now but I hope you found some of these things relatable.
happy holidays and all my love xx

Saturday, 9 May 2015


Hello again,
we are at that time of year again where most people are sitting exams. If you're in school / uni that is. Because of this I have spent an inordinate amount of time inside studying staring at the outside world as it continues to be sunny - torture at its very worst. But just because I'm currently suffering doesn't mean you should have to, kind of, so here are some of my tips for surviving exam season:

TRY AND STAY CALM: I feel as though pressure has really increased at schools. This causes students to feel stressed and anxious. With anxiety levels of students today being the same as psychiatric patients in the 1950s, something is definitely wrong. Now whilst I think its terrible that schools seem to have gotten to the point that students just hate going to school and are on the verge of an emotional  breakdown, we - unfortunately - cannot do anything to change the way the system is right now. The only thing we can change is our attitude and approach to it. I know, I hate me too for saying this. One way that you can stay calm is through organisation - the more prepared you feel for exams, the less stressed you'll be. Because of this I recommend studying well in advance so that you're okay for the exam...but lets be honest, who's going to do  that? I certainly haven't. *so many regrets* Other ways that people find they can stay calm is by doing exercise - I personally like this method as it makes me feel good and working out is supposed to be good  for your mind. I also like meditation as it really clears my head and helps me cope but just whatever keeps you relaxed and not racked with anxiety is good.
GET ENOUGH SLEEP: whilst it can be very tempting to stay up late studying, you will need all of your energy for the exam the next day and a lack of sleep can just make you feel unfocused and confused (and tired). It is recommend that you get more than eight hours of sleep the night before an exam so get off your phone - but then again practise what you preach right?

ENERGISE YOURSELF: on the morning of the test, do something to wake yourself up and stimulate yourself. Don't just sit and watch TV because that will not help. Try going for a walk/jog or read a book or (even though by this stage there's not much point) revising. Just do something to get yourself alert and feel positive for the day ahead.

REMEMBER: the world will not come to an end if you fail an exam. As long as you feel that you tried your best, that is all anyone can ask from you. In doing my exams, I felt like people were expecting more from me than I was capable off but that motivated me to do well and your parents are still going to love you regardless. (probably - I was told all A's or don't come home but that's probs just me)

I hope any of these were even remotely useful.
*Disclaimer* Don't take any of my advice