
Sunday, 20 July 2014

P7 Discos and Leavers Dances...too far?

How did you show up to your P7 leavers disco? Parents drop you off? Taxi? Pink limo (totally not tacky)? Yes people show up in different styles but, would you it as far as a school in the south of Glasgow where a parent had to be stopped from taking their kids to their school in a...... helicopter. A HELICOPTER! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! That it just competitive parenting at its best. Why would this be necessary? I completely understand that leaving primary is a major milestone and should be celebrated but has everyone taken it too far?

I remember for my P7 disco, all the girls got completely made up, fancy dresses, heels, makeup - the lot! Meanwhile, the boys were considered well dressed as long as they weren't wearing joggers and tracksuits!
Then what would happen is the girls would all gather round elegantly and act sophisticated with the other girls while the boys sprinted around the room playing tig. The boys and the girls wouldn't actually interact with each other until the very end when a slow song would play and couples who were 'going out' would really awkwardly dance with almost a complete arms length between them.

Despite this, there were no twerking, no limos and there certainly wasn't anyone showing up in a HELICOPTER! That is unnecessary and almost completely undermines the purpose of the event, which is two things:

  1. a celebration of finally finishing 7 years of thinking
  2. showing that you're getting older and MATURING.
Another thing that is relatively recent is the amount of make up that girls wear. I mentioned earlier that at my leavers dance the girls wore makeup, but they did it nicely and in an elegant fashion. Now half the people in P7 are walking around orange because of all the fake tan and foundation that they are wearing and with black eyes because they can't apply eyeliner and eye shadow effectively. Why are girls, at such a young age, so concerned about wearing so much makeup? Does it make them feel older and more attractive? Because some just look like oompa loompas that have escaped the chocolate factory. (sorry felt appropriate)

What do you think? Has anyone else experienced these things or noticed things that I've missed? If so please let me know! Okay, rant over and, if you were the one whose parents wanted to take you to the dance in a helicopter, other than the fact that it was only to a school have a helicopter. YOU GO GLEN COCO!

Thank you,
love you loads <3

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