recently I have been thinking about what people do with their time and what they invest their energy into. I have also noticed that people these days lack excitement and are far more focused on the things that they posses. I personally believe this is a waste of time and effort and here's why.
1. Things such as possessions do have an expiry date - no matter how cool they are.
What I mean by this is that no matter if you have the newest version of the iPhone, there will always be a product that is better than what we have, so we are never satisfied - we always want more (trying to say that without sounding preachy) and it also limits your time to show it off.
2. Personally I believe that people are spending too much time on their phones. This both true yet also highly hypocritical as it's coming from someone who does spend probably too much time on the internet. I am fine with the internet. I love the internet. If we go on holiday, wherever we are going better have WiFi, However, when wifi spots are getting set up in every coffee shop and at random points in's a bit much. I do actually enjoy face to face interaction. Y'know...actually talking.

3. I want people to take spontaneous adventures.You don't need a phone with you. If you want pictures take a polaroid (I freaking love polaroid cameras) or a disposable camera. I think this is so important because an amazing story will always beat a new possession. Every. Single. Time. It the opportunity to better yourself, do something spontaneous and have an adventure with people you love - that's what I think is important...memories.
These are the reasons I think we might be better cutting down on the technology just a little so that we still have those stories, we still create worthwhile and lasting memories instead of being on our phones 24/7.
Thanks for reading xx
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