
Friday, 18 July 2014

Love Yourself.....

Hello peoples! Today I want to talk to you about some simple little things about ourselves that we sometimes miss or overlook. While out the other day, I had someone tell me that she thought others believed she was a waste of space! This beautiful, funny person telling me she thought she wasn't a good enough person or wasn't "pretty" enough and it really made me think about self perception and self love. 
I found it interesting because I used to feel the exact same way. Then I realized that, honestly, there are no ugly people but just ugly personalities. Of course, there are pretty people with nice faces and the standard style of beauty but, in the end, the most attractive people are those with humour and passion, intelligence and kindness. Those are the things that people remember and these are the qualities that don't fade away with age. 
With that being said, one method that I do that really makes me feel good about myself, is I try to do at least one thing everyday that makes me feel good. Whether it's something physical (I feel really good after exercise) or doing something that makes you feel like a good person!

For example, I tried a halo braid this morning and I was quite happy with the way it turned out so it made me feel really happy and confident going into the rest of the day!

Yup. I was pretty happy with that.

Anyways! Never feel like you are not good enough, you are here for a reason. No matter what that reason is, just remember that you are beautiful and amazing no matter what. And that's what matters. 
Love you loads ❤️

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