we are at that time of year again where most people are sitting exams. If you're in school / uni that is. Because of this I have spent an inordinate amount of time inside studying staring at the outside world as it continues to be sunny - torture at its very worst. But just because I'm currently suffering doesn't mean you should have to, kind of, so here are some of my tips for surviving exam season:
TRY AND STAY CALM: I feel as though pressure has really increased at schools. This causes students to feel stressed and anxious. With anxiety levels of students today being the same as psychiatric patients in the 1950s, something is definitely wrong. Now whilst I think its terrible that schools seem to have gotten to the point that students just hate going to school and are on the verge of an emotional breakdown, we - unfortunately - cannot do anything to change the way the system is right now. The only thing we can change is our attitude and approach to it. I know, I hate me too for saying this. One way that you can stay calm is through organisation - the more prepared you feel for exams, the less stressed you'll be. Because of this I recommend studying well in advance so that you're okay for the exam...but lets be honest, who's going to do that? I certainly haven't. *so many regrets* Other ways that people find they can stay calm is by doing exercise - I personally like this method as it makes me feel good and working out is supposed to be good for your mind. I also like meditation as it really clears my head and helps me cope but just whatever keeps you relaxed and not racked with anxiety is good.
GET ENOUGH SLEEP: whilst it can be very tempting to stay up late studying, you will need all of your energy for the exam the next day and a lack of sleep can just make you feel unfocused and confused (and tired...so tired). It is recommend that you get more than eight hours of sleep the night before an exam so get off your phone - but then again practise what you preach right?
ENERGISE YOURSELF: on the morning of the test, do something to wake yourself up and stimulate yourself. Don't just sit and watch TV because that will not help. Try going for a walk/jog or read a book or (even though by this stage there's not much point) revising. Just do something to get yourself alert and feel positive for the day ahead.
REMEMBER: the world will not come to an end if you fail an exam. As long as you feel that you tried your best, that is all anyone can ask from you. In doing my exams, I felt like people were expecting more from me than I was capable off but that motivated me to do well and your parents are still going to love you regardless. (probably - I was told all A's or don't come home but that's probs just me)
I hope any of these were even remotely useful.
*Disclaimer* Don't take any of my advice