
Monday, 28 July 2014

Things Guys Don't Understand...

Right, as a girl, I often feel frustrated by the lack of understanding that boys seem to have about our gender. I know for definite that I am not the only one who notices these things and it drives me crazy that boys can't seem to see it! So, if you are a boy, sit back, read, take notes and if you are a girl, then I hope you find some of these things relatable so we can complain together.

First off: Broken nails. This is something a lot of girls take abuse for and has become a bit of a stereotype for women but something that men don't understand is that, if I break a nail, IT HURTS! The nail is connected to a lot of nerve ending and is therefore a sensitive area so, if one is to break, it's going to be painful! Also, as someone who does sport, I have to keep my nails relatively short however, in the summer, I like to grow them quite long and when I do this I love decorating them! Because of this, if one breaks, I have to cut them all and start again!! Imagine, for guys, if you had spent ages growing a hairstyle, and someone was to shave half of it off in your sleep, that is what it's like, but with no pain. (Nails don't grow back over night) Next time I break a nail and you make fun of me for being a wimp just you remember that I have put time and effort into them and I am, most likely, in a lot of pain! So don't.

Another thing that guys don't seem to understand about girls is that we can have a cupboard full of clothes and yet nothing to wear. Let's be realistic here, we have clothes that we CAN wear but that is completely not the point. More often than not, the reason behind this sentence is that we don't feel good about ourselves at that particular time and, because we are looking at ourselves quite negatively, NOTHING LOOKS GOOD ON. No matter how nice or appealing it might look to someone else, we do not feel pretty. Another reason could be that we feel as though we have worn our clothes so regularly that they have just lost the attraction that they originally had and the wearer doesn't feel as happy or confident in them as she once did. Let me translate this into guy terms, you have drawers full of video games and yet nothing to play.

Hair and make up. Okay, here I would like to point out that this part is speaking to less guys than the first two because some boys do spend a bit of time on their hair. Allow me to set the scene, you are going out to a party or meal with your friends, you've spent a lot of time getting ready, washing your hair, bushing your hair, going through the effort of styling your hair and doing your make up. You go outside and BAM, the wind goes and ruins everything. Destroying your hair, making it stick it your face and just putting all of your hard work to waste. Also, we are not dressing up to impress you. We do it because it makes us feel good. Don't flatter yourself. Whilst we do enjoy getting all dressed up for events as we often it with friends and have a laugh at the same time, it takes time and effort and we do not appreciate it when you then tell us that it is not that big of a deal because it's not that important. Maybe no to you but you do not know how long it took us to look like this.

That is it for now but I am just going to go ahead and say that this is part one cause there are so many things that boys don't understand. Thank you for reading and I love you loads ❤️

Sunday, 20 July 2014

P7 Discos and Leavers Dances...too far?

How did you show up to your P7 leavers disco? Parents drop you off? Taxi? Pink limo (totally not tacky)? Yes people show up in different styles but, would you it as far as a school in the south of Glasgow where a parent had to be stopped from taking their kids to their school in a...... helicopter. A HELICOPTER! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! That it just competitive parenting at its best. Why would this be necessary? I completely understand that leaving primary is a major milestone and should be celebrated but has everyone taken it too far?

I remember for my P7 disco, all the girls got completely made up, fancy dresses, heels, makeup - the lot! Meanwhile, the boys were considered well dressed as long as they weren't wearing joggers and tracksuits!
Then what would happen is the girls would all gather round elegantly and act sophisticated with the other girls while the boys sprinted around the room playing tig. The boys and the girls wouldn't actually interact with each other until the very end when a slow song would play and couples who were 'going out' would really awkwardly dance with almost a complete arms length between them.

Despite this, there were no twerking, no limos and there certainly wasn't anyone showing up in a HELICOPTER! That is unnecessary and almost completely undermines the purpose of the event, which is two things:

  1. a celebration of finally finishing 7 years of thinking
  2. showing that you're getting older and MATURING.
Another thing that is relatively recent is the amount of make up that girls wear. I mentioned earlier that at my leavers dance the girls wore makeup, but they did it nicely and in an elegant fashion. Now half the people in P7 are walking around orange because of all the fake tan and foundation that they are wearing and with black eyes because they can't apply eyeliner and eye shadow effectively. Why are girls, at such a young age, so concerned about wearing so much makeup? Does it make them feel older and more attractive? Because some just look like oompa loompas that have escaped the chocolate factory. (sorry felt appropriate)

What do you think? Has anyone else experienced these things or noticed things that I've missed? If so please let me know! Okay, rant over and, if you were the one whose parents wanted to take you to the dance in a helicopter, other than the fact that it was only to a school have a helicopter. YOU GO GLEN COCO!

Thank you,
love you loads <3

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Social Media and Phones......

Hello ladies and gentlemen! (yeah, that's right.....classy)

Have you ever had a highly traumatic experience caused by constant usage of mobile phones and social networking? Cause I have. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore my phone and I spend half my day on social media sites however, I can't help but feel that there are certain points in our lives where phones seem to take control and turn what should have been a fun social event into an awkward silence. This is because people suddenly decide that the people on their phones are infinitely more interesting than the friends that they are supposed to be with. A little bit of this is okay but when you're at a party, you want to celebrate and talk to people, what you don't want is for literally EVERYBODY else to be on their phones, completely ignoring each other!!

This is something that I encountered a couple of years ago. We were all sat round a table in a restaurant and everyone else was on their phones. Not talking. Not interacting. Just looking at their screens. For over 45 minutes. In silence. It drove me UP THE WALL!! At that time, I had a 'pay as you go' phone, didn't have internet and I had about 5p of money left on it. Not enough to have a text conversation or call someone so I couldn't really go on my phone. So I just sat, looking at the wall, for 45 minutes while trying to start a conversation with people on their phones only to be met with a grunt. Brilliant.

As I only had about 5p left, I had enough to send 1 text. 1 text. And so who did I chose to text? My mum. I'm not kidding. And before you start asking NO I WAS NOT THAT GUY who sat and texted their parents for fun. I was actually quite social. But I had cracked and could not handle the people around me anymore. So I asked my mum to come and pick me up like 30 minutes early (she was my ride at that time) and make up an excuse as to why I had to leave because I actually could not handle it anymore!

Now, I have a different phone and if everyone was ignoring everyone else, I would probably just join in but that is NOT what I would want to do. Thankfully, I have not had to endure any similar situation since then. Soo MORAL of that story:

  • social media is fab
  • communicating with friends when at home is good too
  • want to go on your phone to check something? That's fine!
BUT, if I make plans to go out with you in person, it's because I actually want to SEE you and SPEAK to you, not watch you talk to other people online! And I am making a personal guarantee to everyone out there now, if we are out together and you have been constantly ignoring me to be on your phone, I will leave. I don't care where we are, I will leave and either walk or get the train home. 

Thank you for reading,
love you loads ❤️

Friday, 18 July 2014

Sizing in shops......

What clothes size are you?

Seems like an extremely personal question doesn't it? It is one that many people feel self conscious or concerned about. One of the reasons why clothes sizing and shopping can be very difficult and potentially embarrassing is because of the ridiculous sizing in many shops. Don't know what I'm talking about?

It appears to me that, as I travel from store to store (not that I go shopping that much), my size morphs to up to 2 whole sizes bigger than the one I started at. This can be very humiliating when attempting to try and squeeze into something in a size that should fit me fine! It can also really knock your confidence.

It has become increasing apparent to me, over the years, that most woman are not skinny. The majority of us have big boobs and big bums. We are curvy. However, despite the overwhelming majority of woman shaped like this, clothes still look as if they are designed for 10 - 12 year olds who are yet to fill out, fully develop and are, well, skinny. It is obviously important to create clothes for those of us who are lucky enough to have a petite frame, however that doesn't mean others should be left to buy clothes that are unflattering on us because we have no other choice or have to buy massive sizes when, in reality, they're not that big but just need something to fit over their boobs!

Take places like Topshop and Primark for example, is it a size 10 or an age 10? And, when I do find one I can get over my boobs how am I supposed to deal with it hanging off me completely shapeless and making me look like a box?! After doing some ordering of clothes online instead of actually going into the stores, I discovered that the measurements for different sizes changes completely depending on what shop you go to! How exactly does that work? Allow me to show you a thing - 
Topshop sizing guide:
M&S sizing guide:
As you can see, the sizes are pretty much exactly the same (give or take a very few cms). If this is the case then why is it that I can fit perfectly fine into a size 12 from Marks and Spencers but still struggle to squeeze into a size 14 from Topshop? WHAT IS THIS TRICKERY?!?

A friend of mine once had an encounter with a shop assistant at Hollister, where she asked why all the clothes were so small and they didn't do larger sizes, to which the shop assistant replied:
                                              "We don't make clothes for fat people."
Okay. You want to know what you make clothes for? Clothes hangers. You make clothes for hangers.
You create something that looks appealing when just on display in the shop that will attract people to it enough to, at least, try it on. For curvy ladies however, a lot of truly flattering clothing looks miles better on than it does on the hanger.

But enough about my pain, I want to know about yours. Have you had any embarrassing or mildly traumatic experiences thanks to unreliable sizing guides? Do you feel your confidence disappearing as you travel from store to store and notice that either you've put on a lot of weight in the last 2 minutes or the clothes are shrinking? Does anyone else experience these things? Please tell me I'm not alone. Or if you have a theory on the mystery of the mystical changing clothes sizes then please feel free to tell me how you did it and which Genius company you're working for.

Thank you for reading my rant,
love you loads ❤️

Oh and clothes companies

Love Yourself.....

Hello peoples! Today I want to talk to you about some simple little things about ourselves that we sometimes miss or overlook. While out the other day, I had someone tell me that she thought others believed she was a waste of space! This beautiful, funny person telling me she thought she wasn't a good enough person or wasn't "pretty" enough and it really made me think about self perception and self love. 
I found it interesting because I used to feel the exact same way. Then I realized that, honestly, there are no ugly people but just ugly personalities. Of course, there are pretty people with nice faces and the standard style of beauty but, in the end, the most attractive people are those with humour and passion, intelligence and kindness. Those are the things that people remember and these are the qualities that don't fade away with age. 
With that being said, one method that I do that really makes me feel good about myself, is I try to do at least one thing everyday that makes me feel good. Whether it's something physical (I feel really good after exercise) or doing something that makes you feel like a good person!

For example, I tried a halo braid this morning and I was quite happy with the way it turned out so it made me feel really happy and confident going into the rest of the day!

Yup. I was pretty happy with that.

Anyways! Never feel like you are not good enough, you are here for a reason. No matter what that reason is, just remember that you are beautiful and amazing no matter what. And that's what matters. 
Love you loads ❤️

Wednesday, 16 July 2014


A lot of people tell you to follow your dreams through out your life but, a lot of them then become hypocrites as they tell you why you can't achieve what you believe you can.....
As someone who currently has very big dreams and high hopes for herself, I'm completely aware that not everyone is going to agree with your dreams and some of them even go so far as to try and derail you from them!
I think the thing you need to do is surround yourself with POSITIVE, HAPPY friends and family who are ready to support you! 
As someone who had an interest in becoming a producer or director of films, I have had my fair encounters of those who have merely turned up their noses at what I want and then proceeded to ask my parents if "they support this" (in a patronizing tone, I might add) this is incredibly offensive to both me and my parents! However the ones that have supported me (eg. Parents and friends) have set me up with many great opportunities and are still suggesting more! Those are the people you need in life!
Base line: 
Don't ever let anyone tell you what you can and cannot accomplish. You are your own person and only you know what it is that you truly want! Never give up. Ever. Never give up on your dreams ❤️